Friday, September 24, 2010

Mike Cruz is Cross [eyed]

Yes Sir!  No Sir!  Yes Sir!  Now is that the way a leader speaks?

The recent primary race for Republican Gubernatorial ticket, the current Lt. Governor Mike Cruz and Senator Jim Espaldon vs. Senators Eddie Calvo and Ray Tenorio. Now no one will dispute that it was questionable whether either ticket was as capable as the other when it came to leading the Chamorro nation; however, the mark of the man revealed itself in defeat.

Cruz with Tenorio children, Aug '10
Mike Cruz's post-primary declaration to never-wever SNIFF seek SNIFF public office again is one big boo-hoo sulk-tastic display of his lack of spine and true interest in public service. He let his supporters down, abandoned them even before his wimpy ass concession. Rumor has it that he was pissed at a supposed e-mail that went around at the click-happy fingertips of CalvoTenorio operatives and that it crossed the line - he therefore did not cross it again in a sign of party unity.

Biha wisdom says "Binechu, nai, why did you take the picture wif Tenorio's boys?"  All his former supporters agree, "wimp!"


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It Tenorio who is CRASS and classless as well, Taimamahlao na "boy"!!!