Tuesday, October 26, 2010

For everyone who's ever waited forever...

...in a doctor's office for their appointment.  This one's for you!

Listen to these two Masters of Punctuality, Drs. Tom Sheih and Vince Akimoto moan like stuck bitches about being being turned down for a debate.  

(embed source: K57 interview Oct. 26, 2010)

Whatever side you're on...it is so refreshing for a doctor or two to be stuck waiting...


V. Akimoto

T. Sheih

**BTW...if you're so concerned about HealthCare for the people of Guam, why don't you start having Free Days at your clinic. Put your money where the people need it, not at some fancy hotel event.

Nobody cares about your sanctimonious BOOSHET. We just need you to be on time and accurate so you don't waste our time and money. 

What are you politician's now?..oh wait..Vince Akimoto...that's right...you wanted to be Lt. Governor.....MULLERD.

Plus, we've learned from Lt. Gov Mike Cruz that doctors are better at whining than governing.


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