Thursday, December 23, 2010


Gov. Elect Eddie Calvo
Just how big of a deficit will he inherit?

    Back again stargazers!  This week’s question is aimed towards governor elect, Eddie Calvo.  Just how big of a deficit will he inherit from the outgoing administration?
    This week I pulled two cards because I felt they would offer more clarity as a pair.  The first card which appeared was the Hierophant. 
    Which famous Catholic does he remind us of??  That’s right, this cards smacks of the Pope, and in some decks this card is referred to by that name.  True to the card’s religious roots, the Hierophant represents a man who is connected to the spiritual realm.  Like his sister card, the High Priestess, he is a bearer of knowledge and wisdom.  But whereas the High Priestess serves the more ethereal realms of the unconscious, the Hierophant’s wisdom is decidedly down to earth.  I believe this card is representing Gov. Calvo who has experience in business prior to entering the world of politics.  He is the voice on high able to calm a panicked crowd.  However, the Hierophant can be too authoritarian in his approach, preferring a “by the book” attitude that may not be applicable in all situations.  He needs to watch out for hubris; being a messenger for God is not the same as being God.
    With that said the next card I pulled focuses on the question at hand and the card that appeared is the Eight of Swords.
  The imagery shows a young woman bound and blindfolded, surrounded by a sort of “cage” of swords.  As you may imagine, this card represents restriction.  The immediate impression I get is that the deficit will be quite a bit larger than Gov. Calvo and Co might have expected.  The blindfold means there may be unexpected factors at play, sly curveballs, and a general sense of frustration at not being able to fully manage the scope of the impending fiscal work that needs to be done.  The woman here is bound and blind but she is standing upright and is free to move around, despite the limitations present.  The danger here is a sense of victimization, an “I don’t deserve this” attitude.  Take heed Governor because it’s the job you signed up for darling so buck up and get to work because the people aren’t going to have any of it.  There’s an expectation that despite what may lie before you, pointing the finger of blame will only result in a prolonged struggle.
    Ergo Slutina doth sayeth - Be prepared Gov. Calvo for a larger than expected deficit bill.  It may be the fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement of your predecessors that caused such a massive deficit but it is now up to you to fix it.  If the cards are correct then he is the right person for the job.  There is the feeling here that he will be knowledgeable in fiscal matters and be able to bring down the deficit, in a rather skillful way I might add that may have some detractors scratching their heads going, “How’d he do that?”  The message is positive for Gov. Calvo despite the tribulations the Eight of Swords may pose.


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