Nerissa Bretania Schafer Underwood Ph.D,
Superintendent of Guam Public Schools
How long will she keep her job?
When the Knight of Cups appears, we have to ask ourselves, How big are our dreams and do we have the resources to make them real? The Cups suit is one full of great emotion and love. Of all the suits, Cups are the ones most associated with love. However, Knights represent a messenger aspect. What sort of news is this messenger bringing? Superintendent of Guam Public Schools
How long will she keep her job?
It seems Ms. Schafer is full of passion and idealism, someone who truly believes in her vision for change. But to what extent are those passions rooted in reality? Sure it’s great to talk about change and progress but can she balance a budget, pay her employees, and do the necessary practical work to make those ideals real?
The Knight of Cups is the essence of water acting as fire: the tidal wave, the whirlpool the violent aspect of water. Ms. Schafer is a reformer. She goes about righting what she feels is wrong about the system and uses every means possible, some which may be unorthodox and questionable. However her motives are in the right place as she will protect her interests and her constituents fiercely.
This is a divisive person because she does not easily let her guard down. Those who are close to her may sing her praises but praises from close associates does not translate to general popularity around the island. What is the impetus for her actions? Political power? Altruism in action? Hard to say but time will eventually reveal what cards she holds and when the truth is revealed it will make or break her.
So! Ms. Schafer best be putting her best food forward cuz no one’s quite sure if the foot she is wagging will end up square in her own mouth. That’s the problem with portraying an image; sometimes the image ain’t the truth and the people want the truth. While the mixed messages may sway the populace for a while the illusion won’t last forever. What are you selling girl, snake oil or the fountain of youth? Either way we will know soon enough.
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